I was going to China Town this morning,as I knew I had something to do at there.hehehe
At first,I was shocked when I saw so many massage shops even though I actually knew it,but still,SHOCKED!hahaha really did not know which one to choose.Anyway,I just wanted to find some quiet place to try on,so I went to the shop with a pretty lady eating outside while tried to get some customers.hahaha.I did not upload the pictures here,Lazy ZZZ.hahaha.It was 45minutes and cost me $18.However,I felt nothing,not so "song"! hahaha.By the way what to do,I was not sure what I want too! just stil feeling uncomfortable at my shoulder part!
And then I headed to the stalls down there,trying to look for a mini sewing machine,I just could not understand why i couldn't find it! Then I ended up going to the food stall outside and having my breakfast+lunch.hahhaa.It was actually already 2 something.hehehe,but who cares! As long as I eaten! hahaha.I had myself a piece of kuih,(forgot the name),and a piece of "chong bing",and a big bun which at last I brought home(full).hahaha.
After that,I went up upstair again,and met this one> foot detox! hahaha wow! look so great and I was going to try it! hahaha.So I sat down and waiting for someone to serve me.A lady and a guy help me to set my machine.hehehe.here are some pictures,hehehe.
this was a 30minutes session for $10.And I took the pictures at a 5minutes intervals(hahaha,sound like I was doing an experiment rather than detoxification)hahaha.first,they put the water and put some salt in it.I think that is kind of like...hypertonic solution?hahaha I still remeber my biology~lalala
4.after that was cleaning up and then I was heading to Sentosa to meet my brother.hahaha.He was going to give me a treat.hehehe
give you a closer look on the dishes:
hahaha,so many things to eat and we had 4 peoples yet,couldn't finish it! hahaha.the Pao was nice! hahaha.thanks for the treat yea brother!
I was spoiling myself these days,hahaha,as what Dickson micmicking me,SPOIL chin~ hahaha.
ANYTHING~ I don't care as I think this is what I deserve from my hard work.hahaha,and 2 massages in a day? definately a YES from me.hehehe.
Just want to share some of my life here.hahaha.And tomorrow I will be leaving! hahaha.
Yo! KUCHING,waits for me! hahaha
have a nice day.
good luck!